
Pet Vaccinations From Bridgerland Cache Animal Hospital

Bridgerland Cache Animal Hospital has been caring for animals large and small since 1949. Few things we do give animals longer and healthier lives than the timely administration of veterinary vaccines. We want you to know the essential vaccinations for the animals in your care. Learn more about pet vaccinations by reading the information below. Dogs and cats need different vaccines, so it is important to know the differences. 


Vaccines Your Dog Needs

Every dog needs vaccines for potentially deadly viral diseases such as rabies, parvo, and distemper. There may also be a need for vaccines for bacterial conditions that are spread in close quarters, such as kennel cough and leptospirosis. These vaccinations are considered "core" vaccines.

Vaccines Your Cat Needs

Even indoor cats need rabies shots. For outdoor cats that may encounter an infected animal, timely rabies vaccinations may save your cat's life. Other core vaccines for cats include preventives for feline calicivirus, panleukopenia (feline distemper), and feline herpesvirus type I (rhinotracheitis). Another core vaccine is FeLV (Feline Leukemia) which cats can get from interacting with other cats.

Vaccines for Large Animals

Bridgerland Cache Animal Hospital also provides care for large animals. Horses in Utah need several core vaccines.

Horses need vaccinations against West Nile Virus, Eastern and Western Equine Encephalitis, and tetanus every year. If you show you horse anywhere on the East Coast, you definitely need to get rabies shots, and rabies vaccinations are not a bad idea even if your horse spends its whole life in Utah.

Cattle producers know that the State of Utah requires every female calf to be vaccinated against brucellosis between the ages of four and twelve months. If you are a hobby farmer with a herd of just a few cattle or maybe only one, you still need to provide protection against brucellosis, not just for your cows, but also for your neighbor's. Cattle of any sexual status need vaccines for bovine respiratory disease every year, and they need vaccine protection against Clostridial disease before they are confined for any reason, either for winter care or before choosing between bulls and steers. Cattle may also need immune protection against shipping fever, leptospirosis, vibriosis, trichomoniasis, and pinkeye.

Call Bridgerland Cache Animal Hospital

It's easy to arrange veterinary care for all of your animals at Bridgerland Cache Animal Hospital. Just request an appointment online or call us at  (435) 752-2151. We are conveniently located at 95 West 900 North, Logan, UT 84321. We look forward to meeting you and your furry friends.
