Pet Seizures

Address the Risk of Seizures in Pets

Humans associate seizures most frequently with epilepsy, a condition of the brain that causes a “misfiring” of the organ’s control of the body. However, other conditions can also trigger seizures, such as reactions to medications, chemicals, and even food or drink that trigger severe allergic reactions. Animals having seizures is a confusing situation. Until an animal’s behavior starts to make sense, a seizure can be extremely disorienting for a pet owner. 


Technical Nature of Animal Seizures

A seizure in a dog can be seen with convulsions, extreme intemperance, wobbling, and erratic movement. Afterward, the animal will be weak, confused, and likely not want anything close due to fear. Finally, the sensation passes, and most dogs will return to how they were before. Each time the animal has a seizure, the after-effects play out.

Signs a Seizure

While animals are more intuitive than humans, pet owners can signal their pets if they pay attention. For example, dogs prone to seizures tend to become restless and exhibit signs of stress, such as whining and shaking. The dog knows something is causing stress but can’t communicate well with humans.

Emergency Vet Help

Like a human, once the seizure happens, it may be slight, or the condition may be dramatic. The dog, however, doesn’t have a risk of choking on its tongue. Instead, dogs tend to lose control or reference of their surroundings and may bite or snap anything nearby they instinctually deem a threat. As the seizure happens, the best approach is to keep the dog safe and isolate it from anything that could harm it during the seizure. Then, when possible, transporting the dog to an emergency vet clinic is a brilliant idea, especially if the seizure is severe the first time.

Treatment for Animal Seizures

If a dog has suffered a seizure more frequently than once a month, or experienced extended episodes, then a veterinarian will likely have a close look at the animal. Typical treatments for seizures are usually anticonvulsant medications. However, where a severe case occurs in a canine, a vet may use the same combination for a stronger effect when a severe issue arises in a dog.

Bridgerland-Cache Animal Hospital Help for Dog Seizures

Bridgerland-Cache Animal Hospital provides expertise for pet seizures and related neurological conditions. Our veterinary approach goes beyond just dealing with symptoms. Instead, our veterinarian team focuses on the cause of pet seizures, how to help the pet live with the condition, and how to reduce its frequency. Call us at (435) 752-2151 to schedule an appointment if your pet has seizures. 
