Small Animals


Welcome to Bridgerland Animal Hospital. We are here to serve you and provide quality veterinary care for pet dogs, cats, ferrets, rabbits, rodents and other exotic species. We maintain AAHA certification with up-to-date facilities, equipment, and by staying abreast of the latest advances in veterinary medicine.



Because of the relatively rapid aging of our animal friends and their limited ability to communicate physical problems, regular thorough physical examinations are a must in any veterinary health care plan. Physical exams should be done at least annually and more often as your pet’s age or condition requires. Abnormal physical exam findings are critical in the early detection and prevention of disease. This is also a valuable time for you to discuss subtle behavior and health issues occurring in the life of your pet.



Prevention of contagious disease is a must in maintaining good health. Diseases can be spread though contact with other animals, the environment, and by contaminated shoes or clothing brought home. Some diseases are spread by insects as well. Many of these diseases can be prevented with a properly planned immunization protocol. We recommend starting vaccinations for cats and dogs at 6 weeks of age. If your pet is found to be in good health, upon examination, a vaccination program tailored to our area and your pet’s risks will be initiated.



Due to the problem in our area of many unwanted pets, we encourage spaying female and neutering male pets. Not only does this prevent pregnancies but can also greatly reduce aggravating and sometimes life threatening problems. Because we feel so strongly regarding this issue, the hospital discounts fees for spays and neuters.



A growing concern for the general health of our pets is dental health. Without regular care, oral disease including gingivitis, cavities, and bone infections may result. Healthy teeth and gums make our four legged friends much more enjoyable to be around. Their lives are lengthened by preventing bacteria from invading beyond the mouth to internal organs (heart, lungs, kidneys etc.). We encourage you to be aware of your pet’s teeth and do all you can to keep them healthy. And ask us what you can do to keep them clean and healthy.



We strive to offer the latest and safest anesthesia available. Gas anesthesic for veterinary patients has dramatically increased the safety of surgical procedures. Thorough pre-anesthesia exams are required for each patient. Anesthetic and pain reducing drugs are chosen based on the unique needs of each individual. Throughout anesthesia, electronic monitors aid in maximizing safety. We are equipped to perform oral and soft tissue surgery as well as many orthopedic procedures. Sterile techniques including autoclaved sterile instruments, gowns, and gloves are standard in our facility.



We are equipped to diagnose and manage metabolic, hormonal, and organ diseases. Our in house laboratory allows us to efficiently diagnose many of theses problems on site. Should more specialized testing be needed, an outside laboratory or specialist will be consulted.



We recognize that you play a critical role in the success of any treatment regimen instituted or surgery performed. You are the one that will ensure medications are properly administered and the sutures stay in place. For this reason, we encourage questions clarifying any instructions sent home.


As a special service to our clients we welcome your pets to stay with us while you are away. Pets are admitted and discharged during regular business hours. We do require vaccinations to be current and encourage you to make reservations in advance.


Thank you for allowing us to serve you and your pets. We hope that this will be the beginning of a long and beneficial relationship.
