Dr. Sanders


In Memorial: 

“We all love and miss you Dr. Sanders”

-BCAH staff, family, clients, and patients


Doctor Paul B. Sanders :: Small Animal Veterinarian
Veterinary School :: Colorado State University

“Rio” the Portuguese Water Dog – and many others I see on a day to day basis at work.

I grew up in Logan and spent many hours and days helping treat sick animals my father saw as patients. I enjoy outdoor activities, fishing and camping, hiking, etc. I attended school at USU prior to Vet school. I am married to Jessica Gibson and together we have 5 beautiful daughters that keep us on the go.

Work Experience:
I graduated from Veterinary school in 1999 and began work at BCAH in May of that year. I enjoy the wonderful animals and families I get to work with on a daily basis. I concentrated my studies on small animal medicine and now work exclusively in the small animal area of our hospital.
