Pet Skin Allergies

Heal Your Pet's Skin Allergies

When your pet is having an allergic reaction to something in the environment, it cannot tell you what is wrong. But you can learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of pet allergies, especially when they affect your pet’s skin. At Bridgerland-Cache Animal Hospital in Logan, our veterinary team helps pet owners detect the warning signs of skin allergies. We want to make sure that all of your animal companions get the swift treatment they need.


What Are Pet Skin Allergies?

A skin allergy, also called allergic dermatitis, happens when a pet's immune system overreacts to a substance in the environment. This may occur even if that substance does not normally cause a problem for other animals. Skin allergies in pets are typically caused by exposure to things like:

  • Dust
  • Pollen
  • Mold
  • Food

Many animals will also have an allergic reaction to flea bites or flea saliva. This is known as flea allergy dermatitis.

How to Tell If An Animal Is Suffering From Skin Allergies

When pets have skin allergies, certain areas of their skin often become red, irritated, oozy, flaky, or raw-looking. Pets may exhibit certain behaviors like excessive licking, scratching, biting, itching, and shaking. If a pet is reacting to flea bites, you may also notice fleas or flea dirt.

Pets who have seasonal allergies to things like pollen or grass may have symptoms that come and go. For pets with an allergy to something they are eating, you may notice skin allergy symptoms that persist even after applying a topical treatment and changing the pet’s diet. Any area of your pet's body can be affected by skin allergies, but common areas include the muzzle, ears, paws, underarms, and base of the tail.

Our Veterinarians Treat Pet Skin Allergies

Skin allergies can make your animal extremely uncomfortable, and if the hot spots are left untreated they can get infected. This is why professional veterinary care is so important. Our veterinarians in Logan take a caring and comprehensive approach to treating pet allergies. We use diagnostic tests and physical exams to detect the underlying allergy trigger, then work with you to help your pet avoid this trigger. Some of these steps may include changing the diet, implementing household or lifestyle changes, and avoiding certain environmental factors outside of the home. We also provide topical and oral medications to help soothe your pet's discomfort in the short-term.

Is Your Pet Showing Signs of a Skin Allergy?

Cats, dogs, horses, ferrets, rabbits, and other animals can all experience skin allergies. If you are concerned about your pet's skin and live near Logan, UT, call our team at Bridgerland-Cache Animal Hospital today at (435) 752-2151 to schedule an appointment with one of our veterinarians.
