Puppy & Kitten Care

Puppy & Kitten Care

Congratulations on welcoming a new member into your family! You and your new puppy or kitten will be very happy together. Begin your journey by making the health of your new puppy or kitten a priority. Our staff at Bridgerland-Cache Animal Hospital in Logan will provide expert care for your new pet.

The First Vet Visit

Schedule your first visit with one of our veterinarians within a week after bringing your puppy or kitten home. At the initial routine wellness visit, the veterinarian will be looking for:

  • Internal parasites as well as external parasites like fleas and ticks.
  • Signs of viral infections like feline leukemia or feline immunodeficiency in kittens.
  • Things that may not be easy to notice visually like heart murmurs, hernia, or musculoskeletal anomalies.
  • The general health and overall appearance of your pet.

Vaccine Schedules

Our vet will administer the necessary vaccines to keep your puppy or kitten healthy. There will be several rounds of vaccines in the first year and boosters are needed after that. Our staff will provide you with a vaccination schedule.


We will recommend that your new puppy or kitten is implanted with a microchip. If you and your pet are ever separated, a veterinarian or animal shelter staff member can read the chip and find your contact information. The insertion of the chip is a painless procedure for your pet.

A Happy Home Environment

Our staff at Bridgerland-Cache Animal Hospital wants to make sure that your home environment is the perfect place for your new puppy or kitten. We can educate you on a few proven methods for housebreaking a new puppy or the optimal litter box conditions for your new kitten.

We will explain proper dental care and why it is best to get your pet used to a toothbrush from a very early age. We can help your cat get used to having their paws handled, so they are less jumpy when their claws need trimming.

We will also offer some advice on spotting and removing environmental toxins in your home. Some plants are dangerous when ingested by dogs or cats. Some household items may be particularly attractive to a teething puppy or kitten. Often, your shoes and your puppy are not a good mix.

Contact Our Team for Veterinary Care in Logan, UT

If you are welcoming a new pet into your family, trust his or her health to our experts at Bridgerland-Cache Animal Hospital in Logan. We specialize in puppy care and kitten care. Call us today at (435) 752-2151 to schedule your pet's first visit with one of our veterinarians.
