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Toxic Holiday Foods for Your Pets

Toxic Holiday Foods for Your Pets

We cook some aromatic foods during the holidays, with our furry friends sitting underfoot waiting for a treat. However, feeding your pet food can be toxic, and the last thing you want during the holidays is to rush your pet to the animal hospital for emergency treatment. Our veterinarians at Bridgeland-Cache Animal Hospital in Logan, Utah, receive questions about which foods are safe for their pets and which toxic holiday foods not to feed them.

Various foods we eat during the holidays can be harmful to our pets. Knowing the list of toxic holiday foods for pets can help prevent emergencies and keep your pet healthy. Continue reading to learn more about foods you should not feed your pet from the holiday dinner table.

Poultry Bones

Poultry bones tend to dehydrate and become brittle during the cooking process. If your pet eats these bones, they can splinter and puncture your pet’s stomach or intestines.

Turkey Skin

One of the most often food items given to pets is the skin of a turkey. However, the skin can be high in fat and challenging for pets to digest. Additionally, turkey skin has been linked to pancreatitis, a severe illness causing weakness, vomiting, and diarrhea.


Though we may love chocolate, this delicious treat contains theobromine and caffeine, both toxic to cats and dogs. So keep all your chocolate in a safe place, away from pets.

See a Logan, Utah Veterinarian 

Bridgeland-Cache Animal Hospital in Logan, Utah, is committed to ensuring your pets stay healthy and safe during the holiday season. Call us with questions about toxic holiday foods for your pets. We also offer exotic animal care and equine veterinary services. Contact our hospital at (435) 752-2151 to schedule an appointment.
