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Why Is My Dog Vomiting?


Many people who love their pets get nervous about the health of their dog when they are vomiting. There is some cause for concern in some cases, but in other cases it isn't a big problem that will affect their overall health. When you need to see a veterinarian for animal care for vomiting or other problems, call our animal hospital in Logan, UT, to make an appointment. We at Bridgerland-Cache Animal Hospital are here to help

Vomiting Causes

There are many reasons why a dog may be vomiting. Many dogs will vomit if they ate too much or ate their meal too quickly. Sometimes will eat grass, and if they eat too much of it, this can cause them to vomit. They may have also ingested plastic or some other non-food item that didn't settle well in their stomach. However, there are also more serious causes of vomiting in pets. It can be a sign that the dog has a serious illness. If this is the case, the dog may need animal care from the animal hospital right away.

Vomiting can be caused by certain parasites, eating something toxic, an intolerance to a food, bacterial infections in the stomach or intestines, a change in diet, a viral infection, an intestinal obstruction, and more. It can even be a sign of cancer. It may also be due to heatstroke or other conditions. Some medications have vomiting as a side effect, so check your dog's medication to find out.

Isolated Vomiting and Chronic Vomiting

Many dogs will vomit occasionally. If they continue to eat normally and are having bowel movements, this occasional vomiting isn't a serious problem. However, there are some signs that come with chronic vomiting that will mean it's a serious issue. These include weakness, weight loss, fever, abdominal pain, no appetite, and a lack of bowel movements. If your dog has chronic vomiting, they may need to see the veterinarian.

See a Veterinarian on Our Team to Get Care for Your Pets

If you are in Logan, UT, and you need animal care for your pets, call our animal hospital to get an appointment for an exam and any treatment that is needed. Call us at (435) 752-2151 for Bridgerland-Cache Animal Hospital.
