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Questions To Ask Before Your Pet Surgery

Pet Surgery

When it comes to pet surgery, you'll want to do everything you can to ensure your pet has a safe and comfortable experience before and after the surgery. While most veterinarians provide plenty of standard information regarding surgery and anesthesia, it's best to understand the specifics, such as how long the surgery will take and what it involves. It's also crucial to know about the expectations for post-surgical care.

How Can I Prepare My Pet for Pet Surgery and Anesthesia?

Surgery and anesthesia are a strain on your pet, and to make it easier for them. You'll need to follow your veterinarian's instructions regarding preparation. Your pet may need a special diet, skip breakfast, or medication is required before surgery. Understand the instructions regarding dosage, and don't forget to leave without getting the necessary meds or instructions for pickup.

What Are My Aftercare Instructions?

Following pet surgery, you'll need to know how to care for your pet at home. Even a standard, simple procedure, such as a spay or neutering, requires special attention to ensure your pet is as comfortable as possible. Aftercare instructions usually involve information about when your pet should next eat, what effects the anesthesia might have on them, and whether to use a protective cone. Some pets might also have typical symptoms after anesthesia, but otherwise concerning, such as a change in stool, ask our veterinarian about any concerns.

Are There Specific Concerns for My Pet's Breed or Exotic Animal Care?

Certain animals and breeds may have difficulty with anesthesia. As a result, they could have a challenging time with pet surgery. Ask your Logan, Utah, veterinarian about concerns they might have. For example, brachycephalic dog breeds often get experimental nasal procedures for spaying or neutering, requiring extra attention and care.

Schedule an Appointment with Us 

Your veterinarian should be there for you. At Bridgerland Cache Animal Hospital in Logan, Utah, if you have any questions before or after surgery. Suppose you need to make an appointment for pet surgery and haven't seen us before, call us at (435) 752-2151. We look forward to answering your questions and alleviating your concerns.
