Are Herd or Flock Animals more susceptible to disease?

Are Herd or Flock Animals More Susceptible to Disease?

At Bridgerland-Cache Animal Hospital in Logan, UT, we see many animals regardless of size. From horses, cows, and pigs to chickens, dogs, and cats, if your animal is having trouble, we are here to help. Because we treat large animals and livestock, one question we might get is - are herd animals or flock animals more susceptible to disease?

Disease Vulnerability and Herd or Flock Animals

A herd is a group of large animals that move together to graze, mate, and protect one another. Examples include cows and buffalo. A flock, such as flock kept by a Shepard, move together for the similar reasons as a herd although.

It may appear they become ill more often due to living in groups. If one animal in the herd or flock gets sick, the disease is easily spread to the rest of the group. This does not necessarily mean that herds or flocks get sick more often or have weaker immune systems.

How to Keep Both Healthy

Keeping herd animals healthy can be extremely important. Here are a few tips to help prevent disease from devastating your animals:

•           Keep them clean and dry as best you can

•           Maintain proper nutrition

•           Ensure they have enough space

•           Clean feeding and water areas when appropriate

•           Keep up to date on vaccinations

•           Have regular exams

•           Perform regular inspections for abnormalities

Get Veterinary Care from a Veterinarian Near You for Herd Animals or Flock Animals

If you are in the Logan, UT, area and need help with a household pet or farm animal, you can rely on our veterinary team at Bridgerland-Cache Animal Hospital for your animal care needs. Give us a call. Our veterinarian team will be happy to assist you. Call us at (435) 767-0559 for veterinary care from a veterinarian near you for herd animals or flock animals.
